Exquisite Sensitivity
- Unique collection of innovative technologies provide exceptional detection capabilities
- Large dynamic range to resolve dim and bright populations in the same sample
- Use violet side scatter to detect nanoparticles
Platform Versatility
- Purchase the number of parameters needed now
- Add more detection channels by purchasing an activation key
- Includes full complement of repositionable bandpass filters, non-standard filters also available for even more flexibility
Low Maintenance
- Lasers, steering optics and flow cell are all mounted onto a vibration isolated table, maintaining optical alignment
- Low pressure fluidics system
- Preventive Maintenance can be completed by the user, no service visit required
Automation Enabled
- Optional 96-well plate sample loader module
- API (Application Programming Interface) allows external software to control the instrument
- For automated sample processing and data acquisition integrate with the Biomek i-Series Instrument